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About Indiana Logo Sign Group
Guiding Principles

The Indiana Logo Sign Group (ILSG) is contracted with the State of Indiana to manage the Specific Services Sign (Logo) and Tourist Oriented Directional Sign (TODS) Programs. ILSG serves at the preference/selection of The Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT). Interstate Logo, Inc., the managing partner of ILSG, has the privilege and responsibility to manage the day-to-day operations of the Logo and TODS Programs. 


ILSG will comply with all contractual terms and obligations in its contract with INDOT on a timely basis. ILSG will maintain a nationally respected program and will offer suggestions and enhancements that drive value and exceed the expectations of INDOT, Indiana Office of Tourism Development, program customers, and the motorist traveling Indiana.

Mission Statement

Efficiently and effectively manage the Indiana Logo and TODS Programs within the contractual terms, standards, and oversight of INDOT, and to provide opportunity to Indiana based employees, contractors, and suppliers to deliver quality service and value to program stake holders.

Core Values

• Integrity (Honesty, Trustworthy, Loyalty)

• Teamwork (Respectful, Collaborative, Appreciative)

• Accountability (Strong work ethic, Responsible, Timeliness, Initiative, Reliable)

• Respect (Good communication, Civility)

• Excellence (Knowledgeable, Effective, Team success, Critical thinking, Results oriented)


Be the most highly respected, best in class contractor of privatized Logo and TODS Programs in the United States, reinforcing INDOT’s selection and ongoing partnership with ILSG.


• Manage the Indiana Logo and TODS programs according to the standards and expectations of INDOT.

• Develop and maintain positive and constructive relationships with INDOT, Indiana Office of Tourism, 

program customers, subcontractors, suppliers, and all stake holders.

• Provide a safe, stable, and rewarding work environment to attract and retain a competent, committed 

and professional team.

• Generate a financial return on assets employed to provide a return to INDOT, ILSG shareholders 

(the risk takers) and to fairly compensate employees, contractors and suppliers. 

Indiana Logo Sign Group
600 East 96th Street, Suite 460
Indianapolis, IN 46240
Sales: 800.288.LOGO
Corporate: 800.950.1093
Fax: 317.495.9883
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600 East 96th Street, Suite 460, Indianapolis, IN 46240  •  800.288.5646

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